Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some Corners...

We would be shifting again and this time to our own abode.

The thought that now I would be able to change things makes me happy. 

No more whining and rules from the Landlord. 

We have always wanted our own place but...

But at the same time we have always treated our rented places as home. 

Life is too short to wait for things to happen. 

never thought of keeping our decor wishes repressed. 

So before we move again here are a few corners that we lovingly put together.  
The owl family here tells the story of my love affair with Santiniketan wooden dolls.
They already are a part of Preeocupied's Owlsome collection. Check Here
This is something I made with love. sending to colors decor's weekly party.

Now a teaser: For my next post wait for a very talented friend of mine. She is not a blogger but immensely talented when it comes to cooking and home decoration. You will agree with me when you will check my next post. till then have fun and enjoy the weather. 


  1. Congratulation Sayantani for the new abode:) Will wait to see you put up your new place as beautifully as the present one .

  2. So colour ful and full of life,luved ur home pics,,

  3. Your home looks really beautiful. I didn't know that it was your rented apartment that you decorated so beautifully. No doubt, your own abode would be full of surprises. Congrats!

  4. OMG ! I love the stuff you have - such good taste ! Congratulations on your new home. Post pics when you do that up...

  5. Hi dear.Congrats on your new home. I've lived for ages in rental accommodations because of our transfers, so can understand the pressures and attachments too. I loved the owl family.

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  6. Congrats on your new abode. . Love the lovely way you have kept your rented place. Cant wait to see the pics of your own place, home.

  7. wish you were my neighbor... would have loved visiting you all the time! Congrats on the new place...

  8. Congrats dear,lovely decor,have a great time.

  9. Congrats on your new abode..and you have a lovely collection..Beautifully kept home..

  10. Sayantani can't hold my excitement to see what coming up!

  11. Such a beautiful home Sayantani. I can feel warm within to see the corners of your house. Can't wait to see your new home!

  12. Beautiful. Love all the knick-knacks and the way you put them together. Congratulations to you for your new home your blank canvas. Desperately waiting to see colors you'll going to splash on it.

  13. Lovely space with yummy space..happy to follow visit my space in your free time..
    Shabbu's Tasty Kitchen

  14. Thanks Everyone. am literally blushing now.

  15. Wow! You have such a lovely collection.I liked that owl very much.Looks so lovely.You have got a very good taste.

  16. congrats all the decor you have done in this home, would love to see in your new home too..

  17. bhalo khobor go..Congrats :-) Take your time and come back with wonderful posts...Chobi tulo pore set hole..

  18. You have decorate your very beautifully dear....

    I blog @ Manidipa's Kitchen

  19. Congratulations...and thanks for the visual treat.Just Wow!

  20. Congrats Sayantani..I know what you mean..I too am enjoying my recent move into "My own" place...trying to give it our identity in all possible ways. ALthough, I have also treated all my rented house as my own too...I am so happy to see that someone thinks just like me:)) I love all your beautiful pieces in the house. Lovely post Looking forward to th next one too:))

  21. Hi Sayanthani,

    Looks Delicious !!!

    Neat presentation :))

    New to your lovely space , Requesting your

    regular support to me Dear...

    Do collect your Sunshine Blogger Award at

  22. its so beautiful... it is these corners that makes the house a home... so tastefully done and so much warmth...i can feel it cos we too moved to our new home just a year ago and i know how it feels to do up ur own litle house. :) congrats :)
