Monday, July 30, 2012

Guest Post: Pan Roasted Chicken

Today I present to you a very talented friend of mine, Rumela Roy. I met her on Orkut and was  taken aback by her creativity. She is one of those beautiful persons who do all her job very efficiently. She wears many hats with equal élan… a full time devoted mother to her little boy, a passionate cook, a good photographer, a great homemaker who decorates and keeps her home neat and tidy and a very very good human being at heart. Many times I have seen people asking for her recipes and with a cute smiley she always mailed it to them. Her new love for photography speaks volume through her food clicks. very aesthetically styled and well captured. If you need proof please look at the collage below. Isn’t she an awesome photographer??? 

Over to you Rumela

Thanks Sayantani for letting me share this recipe with all your lovely readers . 
Hi I am Rumela, a very busy mom and an avid art lover. Art in any form fascinates me. be it cooking for my family, decorating my own house, singing for myself or clicking good photographs, being creative makes me happy. Though am not a blogger but I love to follow a few blogs. Get so many ideas and inspirations from them. A homemaker's Diary is one of them. 

Right now am based in USA and days are very hectic with my son and husband. few weeks back in the middle of the week I prepared this dish. a very deshi style Roast chicken. Perfect for those who do not posses an oven and want something quick and easy to bring mid-week cheer to the dining table.  Except the marination part you can say it a quick-fix and healthy too as it does not call for a lot of oil or ghee (Clarified butter).

Hope you all will like it.

Pan Roasted Chicken

Chicken leg quarter: 3 pieces
Lime juice: 2 tsp
Ginger-garlic paste: 1 tsp each
Black pepper powder: 1/2 tsp

Onion: 1 medium; thinly sliced
Ginger + garlic paste - 2 tsp
Kashmiri Red chili powder - 1tsp
Coriander powder - 1tsp
Cumin powder - 1tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Chili powder - 1/2 tsp (as per your taste )
Whole cardamon - cinnamon - clove
Shahjeera - 1/2 tsp
Tomato sauce: 2 tsp
Oil + ghee

1. Wash the chicken pieces, pat dry with paper towel and make some slits on the pieces .
2. Then marinade the chicken pieces with lime juice, ginger -garlic paste and pepper powder for at least 2 hrs .
3.Now put oil and ghee in a pan. (I cooked it mostly in oil; added little ghee for flavour, the best part is you don’t need much oil to prepare this.). Add the marinated chicken pieces. fry on medium till its browned on all sides.
4.Take out the chicken from oil and keep it aside.
5.Now in that pan add shahjeera, and the whole garam masala like green cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.
6. Once it starts to splutter add sliced onion. Fry on medium till golden. add ginger -garlic paste . fry them nicely. Then add the spice powders (red chili powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, kashmiri red chili powder). cook them until the oil separates . sprinkle salt . add the pan fried chicken pieces .
7. Cook the whole thing in medium heat until the chicken is fully cooked. Adjust the salt if you need.
8. When it is almost done add tomato sauce and cook for 5 more minutes. Mix thoroughly to coat the pieces with the spice mix. Check seasoning. If prefered brush the pieces with little ghee for extra flavour.

Pan - Roasted Chicken is ready!

It can go well as a starter also or serve with any kind of paratha .

Enjoy !

Hope you all have liked this recipe as much as I loved having her here. Thanks a bunch Rumela for doing this Guest post. 


  1. It was nice meeting Rumela. Thanks for the rendezvous Sayantani:) My son would love the pan fried chicken..

  2. That's a nice post - Great work Rumela ! This sounds like a lovely dish for the weather we have now.
    Sayanatani, you've moved to your new place ? Hows it going ?

  3. What a nice recipe, I just did my first whole chicken roast last Sunday and was thinking of trying it next time with Indian spices, this recipe fits the bill perfectly :-) Thanks Sayantani and Rumela :-)

  4. ofcourse she is a very good photographer ...The willingness to share recipes is something not everyone believes..Good to know about Rumela..That pan fried chicken is looking awesome

  5. Looks so delicious and loved all her clicks thanks for introducing such a talented person to us :) Cheers Sayantani and Rumela :)

    ~Today's Recipe~Yummy Vermicelli Kheer/Semiya Payasam/Vermicelli Payasam
    You Too Can Cook Indian Food Recipes

  6. Beautiful and mouthwatering clicks! Chicken looks just like baked chicken. Nice recipe and thanks Sayantani for inviting Rumela to do a this guest post.

  7. wow.. Rumela's chicken is just awesome. nice recipe

  8. This looks wonderful! Just feel like grabbing a piece of the screen.

  9. Nice meeting Rumela. This is great. I wish I cooked chicken not just grabbed it off th epalte. Thanks.

  10. Great guest post,congrats to both of you,chicken is mouthwaterring

  11. Delicious recipe,Congrats to both of you and nice to meet Rumela.

  12. Sayantani and Rumela, this looks so good! My husband and i do a full chicken roast, but this is different! Bookmarked!

  13. Lovely post Rumela,so nice to meet you ! Thanks for introducing her,Sayantani :)

  14. i am completely flattened with ur caption words in header...hats off to you..glad to know about rumela :)

  15. Hi Rumela,
    You are a fantastic photographer and I love all the food shown here in this post. The spices in the chicken must make this a wonderful feast!
    Would love to try it.
    Thanks Rumela and Sayantani.

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