Tangerine Ricotta Pudding - A Homemaker's Diary

Tangerine Ricotta Pudding

5:43 AM

This photo is inspired by Lakshmi's Citrus cake. find it here
How are you enjoying the much-coveted spring at your part of the world? We are having a pleasant weather too here in Kolkata. It seems Summer has not yet set its fierce foot here. Thought the days are hot and humid but the morning and evenings are soothing with cool breeze and clear skies. Though for a short stint but in all its glory Spring finally has become a part of our life. The miniature garden in our apartment complex is vibrant with beautiful bright flowers and flocks of multicolored butterflies, which the kids love to chase. In the evening it bustles with activities, fun, frolic, giggle and innocent laughter of joy.

Day before yesterday the season’s first Kalboisakhi has further swept out the existing heat. Sitting in our bedroom we loved to watch how the black smoke like clouds suddenly covered the sky and blocked all sunlight. The rumbling clouds then started sending sparks of fierce lightning followed by a dusty thunderstorm. And then as suddenly as it had come into existence, it transpired into a heavy downpour clearing the dust and calming everything down. It never fails to amaze me how such a noisy and devastating storm finally makes way for a peaceful calming ambiance. Just like all my big enthusiastic ideas, which finally reduces and makes way to something that’s easiest.

For instance this Tangerine Ricotta pudding with caramelized tangerine on top. I never knew that any variety of orange could be this sweet. I avoided all the tangerines that came as a part of famous Thai fruit platter thinking that they would be sour. But I was proven wrong when I first tasted it on our boat trip to coral island. 

These pretty little things are actually overtly sweet, there's no trace of any bitterness or sourness that most of their counter parts have. On our last day there I bought a huge bagful of tangerines for my family back here. Everyone enjoyed them immensely and I hid a few to make some gorgeous dessert. They stayed in the fridge for a week or so waiting for their moment of glory but I was at loss of any inspiration.

Then I watched Donna Hay making her whole lemon pudding and candied lemon cake, which I instantly loved and wanted to make for its ease of preparation. And decided to use that as a theme and make a tangerine ricotta pudding instead. So here is my easy peasy recipe with some glorious caramelized tangerines on top. Which is a delight to chew so please don’t give this a miss.

The cheery orange hue of this dish spells ‘Spring’. Am sure the clean flavours, bright colours and delicate taste of this dish will bring bliss to everyone.

Tangerine Ricotta Pudding with Caramelized Tangerine
(Makes 6” round pudding)

Tangerines: a dozen
Full fat milk: 1 liter
Egg: 1 large
Single Cream: 1/4 cup (I used Amul cream)
Powdered Sugar: ¼ cup + 1 tsp for sprinkling on top
Lemon juice: 1 tsp+ 1 tsp
Salt: 1/8 tsp
Butter: 1/2 tsp (for greasing the pan)
Tangerine zest: 1 tsp

Start by making the Ricotta.
Heat the milk in a heavy bottom pan on medium flame. Once its starts to steam and bubbles start to appear on top add the salt and lemon juice. Stir gently and the milk will curdle. Cover with a kitchen towel and let it stand for 2-3 hours or more. Once its cold drain the whey on a big bowl lined with mulmul fabric or cheese cloth.  Tie the ends of the fabric and hnag the fabric pouch to drain off all the liquid. Leave it for 2-3 hours and your homemade ricotta is ready…which is nothing but our chena or cottage cheese.
This recipe will make 11/4 cup of cheese.

If you want a richer version of this then add ½ cup of heavy cream in the milk before preparing the ricotta.

In the mean time wash 4 tangerines and boil in a big bowlful of water for 4-5 minutes. Drain the water and let the tangerines cool. Then slice each in 5-6 pieces each. Save the juice for later use. Arrange over an oven proof dish in single layer. Sprinkle 2 tbsp of sugar and bake in a 180 C pre heated oven for 15-20 minutes or till they are lightly browned. Take out and keep aside.

Once the ricotta is ready pre heat the oven at 180 C.  Grease one 6” pan with butter.

wash a small tangerine and blend with the sugar till it turns to a smooth paste. Pour in the ricotta in the same jar again blend till its smooth. To this add the egg, the juice collected during slicing the boiled tangerines, cream, tangerines zest and a pinch of salt. Blend everything together. Pour in the greased pan and bake for 35-40 minutes till the top is lightly browned. If it browns fast cover the top with aluminium foil. Take out and let it cool.

While the pudding is being baked prepare the citrus reduction. Juice all the left over tangerines and place in a heavy bottom pan. Add 1 tsp lemon juice and a pinch of tangerine zest. Boil till the juice thickens and covers the back of the spoon. Approx. 5 minutes. Take off and let it cool and then place in the refrigerator for an hour. 

To serve, loosen the sides of the pudding and invert on a serving plate. Pour the reduction on top and arrange the caramelized tangerines on top. Finally sprinkle icing sugar on top.

Serve in wedges with little bit of the citrus reduction on top.

A Homemaker's Notes:
The recipe sound lengthy but it was done under an hour, that too I had to prepare the ricotta at home. use store bought ricotta and see how easy this recipe is.

You can use any juicy fruit or berries for this recipe. Even lemons would work beautifully in this recipe.

Make this whichever way or with whatever flavour you want. Its very nutritious for kids and even fussy kids will eat this happily for its nice orange flavour and cheery hue. 

Stays well for a couple of days when refrigerated. 

Sending this to 
Taste of Pearl city's Healthy morsels
Tickling palate's Lets cook;chilled delights.
Srav's Cooking concepts#9; spring seasonal food
Vardhini's Bake fest hosted this month by Sumee.

Wish you all a Happy Good friday!

tangerine, chinese orange, mini orange, citrus fruit, orange, nectarine recipe, naval orange recipe, tangerine dessert, ricotta pudding, how to make ricotta cheese at home, making paneer at home, homemade ricotta recipe, dessert recipe with ricotta, orange flavoured icotta pudding, baked ricotta recipe, baked cheese with orange zest, how to caramelize tangerines, how to make orange reduction at home, baked pudding recipe, best-ever cheese pudding, making your own cheese at home, baked ricotta cake, cheese cake recipe, orange flavoured cheesecake, orange cheesecake, orange sauce recipe, easiest cheese cake ever

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  1. What a beautiful pudding Sayantani...Your pics are gorgeous and the pudding looks amazing with those tangerines !!

  2. Tangerine pudding is inviting & looks delicious!

  3. wow - love it... such a lovely color of the tangerines. In Odissa we make something called chena poda, very similar to this...

  4. You really made my moth water, lovely recipe! Beautiful clicks!

  5. that is so lovely//beautiful clicks and a tasty dessert :) How are you, how about and your lil one?

  6. You have given a nice tangarine twist to the very tradition Oriya chenna pudding. Is chenna pudding traditional in Bengal too?

  7. Looks so gorgeous and colorful... Nice clicks

  8. @Somoo, Anjali really dint realise its so similar to chena poda. but I guess chena poda is much denser tha this as it has egg. My mom pointed out that the texture was similar to that of another low sugar sweet called 'Chittaranjan Sandesh'. which is a steamed sandesh with very little sugar in it.

    @Ruchika, the lil one is not so well these days. again struck by stomach infection but is recovering now.

  9. Delicious and yummy looking pudding. Wonderful preparation.

  10. Gorgeous pudding,simply love the flavor..love the clicks,tempting.

  11. wow...very interesting & tempting recipe..love it
    Tasty Appetite

  12. Hmmm, yummy! Beautifully sliced too. Thank you for linking with Healthy Morsels :)

  13. Any leftover there, feel like having a slice rite now,super tempting pudding..

  14. Lovely pudding, never had one before but looks so lovely and contrast of colors will brighten up any day..bookmarked : )

    Super Yummy Recipes

  15. So much colour and the flavour it would have added to the pudding would have been immense.

  16. A very rich dessert indeed ! I love ricotta and anything made from it :) Thank u Sayantani for linking this with Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy :)

  17. delicious pudding and yummy one !! Thanks for linking to the event !! Really Appreciate it :)

    Ongoing event
    CC:Spring Seasonal Food

  18. Tangerine in pudding...sounds exciting..like the floral arrangement over the pudding.

  19. What an awesome looking pudding! Loved teh deco on the top!

  20. Wow, this looks and sounds so exotic and delicious! The arrangement on top of the pudding is gorgeous!
    Great job!

  21. delicious luking pudding and iam sure this tastes yummy.

  22. pudding looks so delecious..:-)

  23. Wow! Such a beautiful pudding. I love the tangerine.

  24. Wow what a beauty! Loved your clicks too. Very nice. I guess, I could directly get ricotta rather than doing from ground up.. Thnx for linking it up

  25. wow thats yummy pudding luks delicious and very tempting too...

  26. Pudding looks gorgeous dear. Perfect click.

  27. Very palatable - never thought pudding could be made with cheese :)

  28. New to me, sounds delicious! Nice recipe thanks for sharing!

  29. you didn't call me to eat the pudding.. bhyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :(

  30. Delicious looking pudding, looks so inviting.

  31. Zesty goodness! Interesting recipe, a keeper for sure. Looks so good Sayantani. Yum!

  32. Beautiful .......can't take my eyes off them :)

  33. This tangerine is a very Chinese thing. Extremely popular not only in Thailand but also in Malaysia, Singapore and all other countries in this part of the world.
    Nice shots.

  34. Gorgeous pictures and yummy pudding

  35. That is such a lovely recipe. I wish I could have a bite of it right now!


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