While He Naps… - A Homemaker's Diary

While He Naps…

7:28 AM

That's his gesture to show that he is sleepy. 
Though almost everyday we work on designs but creating something for someone close always brings joy. I love to design and gift handmade stuffs., but with the super active kid hardly get time to do so. All my passion now comes to reality when he naps. Made the following products with some of the scrap fabrics that were lying in the closet for a long time. Thought of sharing the pictures with you.

I wanted a traditional Kurta for my one and half year old gentleman for the Durga Puja. My trusted tailor ‘S’ dada obliged me with his amazing craftsmanship. The white malmal material was a little more than 1 meter, which I combined with some strips of Kantha worked borders (after using the broder on a saree) and some wooden buttons.

I made this with some unused fabric (remains of a salwar suit) combined with a strip of hand worked piece.

The remains of two-salwar material went on to making this for the sonny boy.
If you ever carefully measure you would be amazed at how much fabric remains unused when you make a salwar suit. The entire bag (16”X12”X4”) was made from the leftover fabric of a salwar suit. The printed lining was used from another one. I made this for my Sis in law to carry the stuffs of my niece.
And this cutesy doll was made long back. She is very good and always keeps my bindis in her pocket.

I promised on my very first post to share some of my craft work but it took a long time. but am glad that am finally able to do so. hope you like it.

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  1. Looks beautiful, Amazing creation Satayani. Your little guy going to looks cute in that dresses.

    Thanks for your answer to my query I will visit that space. Regarding nap time, only time i get to do something . I know what you mean i have 16month old too.

  2. all r wonderful creations ...u r simply superb dear ...ur little one looks so cute


  3. Hey he is cho cutey cute! and I love that bum hump too :) and I simply love all your craft work. You have always amazed us with your creations like those gulabs and boris. You are super creative.

  4. I luv the pict of your lil boy ..... It was my fav napping position as a child. lol
    And the kurtas look so cute n nice ..... I am sure the lil babu mosai is gonna look gr8 wearing those. I look forward for the picts.

    Keep the creative juices flowing !!

    Cheers n Happy Cooking,


  5. Your little angel looks sooooo cute while relaxing in that nice dress. Kurtas look so well stiched and colorful. Darun hoyeche.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  6. I loved a;; the works Sayantani. They are so good. It's hard to believe that they were made from leftover fabrics.

  7. Oley Baap ley! Koto ghom hoche :-D..
    cute one ..LOvely creations Sayanatani..
    hugs and smiles

  8. Tomar chele khuuub cute ...And I'm amazed-You are sooo talented.These crafts are just wonderful !! Keep it up..

    Best Regards

  9. Your little angel is so cute..
    amazing creativity..everything looks so good.

  10. Hi Satayani..Thanks for visiting my blog...Your baby boy is cute..My son is of same age.I love all the kurtas you made...good creative work.

  11. Oh my goodness, what a CUTE picture! :)

  12. You're so creative, your stitching are beautiful and love that red bag, very handy and useful..Your angel is so cute..

  13. Lovely handiworks, but the clear winning pic in my eyes is your cute son waiting for his nap! Very cute!

  14. You are such a talented Mommy! Love the photo of your leeeteel man. The third kurta is very, very nice.

  15. well, he doesn't seem to be napping. Boys will be boys. Great stitiching :)

  16. That's a handsome young man..love his pose in the picture..very very cute!
    Those kurtas look very professional...the finish looks really nice..I think he will totally rock those:)

    US Masala

  17. You got talent in your hands Sayantani....I loved the bag and the kurtas a lot...actually I m crazy about anything hand made...I am amazed at the fine thread embroidery...Cud you sent some to me ? :)

  18. You are talented Sayantani. The clothes and the bag especially looks fantastic.

  19. everything is so beautiful esp the bag...your so talented..and your son is so cute

  20. Onekdin pore tor haater kaaj dekhe ki bhalo lagchhe...ami to bhulei gachhi hater kaaj kake bole......bhishon shundar hoechhe..bag ta to agei dekhechhi...

  21. U simply rocks Sayantani, beautiful creations and ur prince looks cho chweet...

  22. Sayantani, Choto ke amar mwaaaaah!!! ki cute lagche...pujote Babu lagbe...
    sundor hoyeche designs.
    ...pujor preparation choleche...
    majhe modhe tomar hather kaaj o amder dekhiooo.

  23. Sayantani, Choto ke amar mwaaaaah!!! ki cute lagche...pujote Babu lagbe...
    sundor hoyeche designs.
    ...pujor preparation choleche...
    majhe modhe tomar hather kaaj o dekhiooo.

  24. all creations are nice!
    i loved the doll.. wish i could have it :)

  25. wow... u r really very very creative.... hats off dear....

  26. tomar bachha ti bhari misti. design gulo darun hoyechhe. Ektu cutting sikhiye debe?

  27. Nijer email ta debe - at preeoccupied@yahoo.com e?

  28. Nice hadmade creations..Your lil one looks so adorable!

  29. Sayantani, when I was little, my mom and sister used to fashion doll clothes out of leftover material from the tailor. I might still have some sitting around at home. When I visit, i'll try to take pictures!

    I love the little kurtas. Your little guy is like a doll! many kisses to him!

  30. Awesome...Love all the dresses and the bag.And the lil doll girl looks cute too, But what I liked the most in this, is the first snap :-)..he's so cute

  31. beautiful out fits for the little guy!

  32. What a cute little angel! He grew so much since your profile picture ;-)
    And lovely creations!

  33. OMG..What a cutie pie!!! Awesome creations for ur adorable baby...Seriously Sayantani..I'm amazed how you do so many things..really very crafty and creative...and with ur baby to keep you busy..still actively blogging and posting one awesome recipe after another..Could learn a thing or 2 from you...I've been a bit tied down with so many things..but slowly and steadily I wanna be back..misssing all my blog pals..and thanks a lot for ur comments..good to know u have'nt forgotten me..

  34. love his sleeping posture... cute-pie...
    love your work ! Very talented indeed!

  35. Your little one is sooo adorable :-) I totally loved your creations, Sayantani.

  36. You are so extremely talented Sayantani! amar konodin shelai shekha hoyni jodio khoob shokh chilo.

    amar dui meye ra thik erokom kore ghumate jeto, shoja kore dile they would always turn back to that position. The cutest thing!

  37. What lovely creations! I love the handbag the best :)

  38. how creative! and your baby is soo cute - reminds me of my daughter when she was that age :)

  39. Oh dear, Kids are taking after noon nap so came back to check your wonderful blog U got so talented hands....love all your craft projects that bag u made for your SIL is so cute, it' so neat.....& if i'm not wrong for arusuvai chain also U sent the blogger some kantha work done by U(i'm trying to recollect but I don't remember which blog I saw it on) it was beautiful...

    I too love to do craft & make handmade stuff but with kids it happens very rarely now a days...

    Little one sleeping in that pose looks like the cutest thing on the earth....

  40. The kurtis are brilliant! I'm sure your kid loves it and he looks the smartest in those :)
    You have a great tailor/master ji!


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