My Winter Garden - A Homemaker's Diary

My Winter Garden

9:09 AM

am damn tired today so no more recipes today, just some lovely snaps from my winter garden. the veggie patch is not yet ready for its turn under the limelight instead a few flower pics which has managed to bloom till now.

hope you all like it.

White Chrysanthemum; I call this one Egg Poach; Sunny side up :-)

Red Chrysanthemum

White Musanda

Pink Euphorbia Mili

Red Pointsettia


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  1. Beautiful ! Thanks for sharing. I love the slightly wild smell of the mums.

  2. Oh my ! So Gorgeous...my mom is an amazing gardner...she would swoon at these beautiful flowers...so amazing. Sadly I have not inherited her green fingers...

  3. Beautiful garden, thanks for sharing..

  4. Barir kotha mone pore gelo Sayantani! Winter er shokale bagane darale ki shundor ekta sugondho thake ... heem pore thake ... ar onek onek phul ... amar chot choto season flowers khub bhalo lage. :-)
    Khub shundor bagan korecho tumi. :-)

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  6. @Soma , thanks for your appreciation. I love your green patch as well.

    @Nat, totally agree with you even my Mom's winter garden is worth a look. she has amazing collection of cactus and crotons.

    @Sharmila, tomar comment pore bari chole jete ichche korche. santiniketan er sheeter sakal asadharon. amra bagane bose sakaler cha khai...fresh ganda, aar season flower er gandhe ma ma kore baganta.

  7. beautiful garden...i could smell the lavender....my chrysanthemums are just about to open..

  8. Dear sayantani
    Mon bhor-e gyalo...flat BaDi-te theke theke bagan, phool sab bando hoe gechhe kab-e!!!
    Ar-o chhobi chai :-)

  9. wow u got a very beautiful garden with lovely flowers, i love gardening a lot but now as i stay far from my home town,cant do it..

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