Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring is here…the colours from my window.
Again the time of the year has come when I long for being with my family in Santiniketan…those new green leaves, the clear sky, the green fields, the murram roads towards the ashrama, the bright yellow of Palash (Butea monosperma) flowers, the ‘adda’ (chatting) sessions under the shadows of the trees in front of the girls hostel, the music in the air, the sudden burst of laughter in the rehearsal rooms, the roadsides abiir (gulal/ dry colours) vendors and the tired us after a daylong dance practice for Basantotsav,…I miss those days and I want to go home.
This Friday afternoon when I was having my lazy lonely lunch on the drawing room couch and was daydreaming of those good old collage days I suddenly looked through my window and saw a riot of soft green colours. The tree besides my gate has started having new leaves…soft, tender and shiny. It made my day, gave me a feeling of being close to something that I cherish most.


  1. Hi Sayantani, want some simple veggie recipes. After work scratching my head what to prepare fast.

  2. Yes, Sanju will definitely post some quick recipes soon.
